New Playbooks users START HERE!
Walk through setup and common workflows like making calls, sending emails, using Plays, and tapping into our Real Intelligence network. (60 mins)

New Playbooks users START HERE!
Walk through setup and common workflows like making calls, sending emails, using Plays, and tapping into our Real Intelligence network. (60 mins)
Learn all about creating Plays, Play strategy, and Robot automation to assist with Play and process flow. This course is perfect for new Playbooks Administrators, managers, and even users that will be creating Plays.
If you are managing a team of Playbooks users you have a very important role. This course will discuss manager specific features in Playbooks that will help to keep your team motivated and productive.
Ready to be a Playbooks reporting guru? This course will dive into what data is recorded in Salesforce and how teams can turn it into meaningful reports and dashboards. It is perfect for new Playbooks Administrators, Managers, Sales Operations, and Enablement teams.
This course will provide learners with a fundamental knowledge of telephony in the context of Playbooks: Making outbound calls, receiving inbound calls, sending SMS messages, and lastly, identifying and reporting issues related to telephony.
Learn how Playbooks integrates with the larger telephony landscape. This course takes a learner’s knowledge of Playbooks telephony to the next level. Dive deeper into telephony architecture, International dialing specifics, and troubleshooting.
Learn how to set up an A/B Test to validate effectiveness of two different sales cadence elements.
Develop a Speed To Lead strategy by leveraging Playbooks features and learn why immediacy & persistency must be included in your Speed to Lead strategy.
Are you tracking and measuring metrics that drive the bottom line? We'll discuss some common reporting strategy mistakes and offer suggestions on what operation and leadership teams should be reporting on.